This is the House that Blog Built

Welcome to my house that blog built. I just recently learned about blogs, so I'm discovering for myself what it is, what it was, and what it shall be. Who I am, who I was, and who I shall be.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

my staff xmas party

So I went to my very first grown up party yesterday at Heinz Field. The party was for the Thomas E. Starzl transplant institute affiliates, so there were doctors, nurses, benefactors, and Dr. Starzl himself. I felt special especially with the chocolate fountain.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

So much snow!!!

Holy Cow!!! I can't believe how much snow we've had tonight! Like I said in my last post, it is most definately no longer summer. We were appreciating the snow so much we decided to roll it all up into gigantic balls and stack them on top of each other...then all of a sudden it looked like a giant...snowperson! Amazing. Good times had by all.

Monday, December 05, 2005

I miss summer

Despite trying to appreciate each day, I regret that summer is most definately gone here in Pittsburgh. So here is a poem I wrote about my childhood summers.

Lightning bugs come out
All my atoms shout
to go outside and play
until the crocodiles come out

Most memories will fade
but some I'd be lost without
Swinging away my summer days
filled with joy in mass amounts

Spinning in the sunshine
Running through sheets on clotheslines
Building forts, taking bike rides
The first apple tree was mine

And within my memories
Chickens, llamas, raspberries
the fainting goat, the donkeys
catching bugs, hide and go seek

I close my eyes
I feel the breeze
The summer sun
warms my skinned knees
As I watch it set
over the trees
bringing in the night

Now the lightning bugs flit about
everywhere in great amount
we grab our jar and run around
until the crocodiles come out