
so I made some guacamole last night. It was extremely tasty. The problem is I chopped up some serrano peppers and ever since, every time I bite my fingernails it makes my lips burn. Now I'm sure you are thinking I must be dirty and not wash my hands, but I promise as a professional nurse I believe in the power of handwashing. It's hard to spend 14 hours washing your hands every five minutes and then think to not wash your hands at all. I also happened to have been raised well and know that you should wash your hands after going to the bathroom. Believe it or not I have actually peed a couple of times since yesterday. For those of you who know me this may come as a shock. My bladder has even expanded in size since starting my nursing job. I'm pretty sure it is the size of a watermelon. This spicy taste on my fingers reminds me of when I was a kid and my parents tried the nasty tasting fingernail polish to try to stop my sisters and I from biting our fingernails. Needless to say I am 23 years old and continue to bite my fingernails. Some habits are terribly hard to break. But I guess out of all the habits to break nose-picking was probably the better choice.
Hey Baby,
you are funny I don't think we'll be able to stop you from biting your nails even if we permanently attached habanero peppers to the ends of them. but that's ok I'm glad you enjoyed your Guac. I miss you and hope that your having fun. I'll see you soon, and I love reading your blog.
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